Take charge of your Purpose.
Improve your wellbeing and move closer to your Purpose from the comfort of your home, at all times. Transform your daily routine into a revitalizing experience with our smart mirror, designed to help you achieve your wellness goals and enhance your overall sense of wellbeing.
To stay up-to-date, the Purpose AI mirror will come with it’s own subscription that provides new content regularly to help you move closer to your goals.
Purpose is creating an interactive smart mirror for you and your home, focusing on health and lifestyle to improve your wellbeing.
The smart mirror can be a great tool for improving overall wellbeing. These mirrors are equipped with technology that allows them to display information such as the weather, news updates, and even your fitness progress. This information can help you stay informed and motivated to stick to healthy habits.
The future of Purpose the movement
Development phase
The goal is to gather funding and boost the development process with finetuning.
Subscribers will receive regular updates on improvement and possibly user testing.
Official release
All loyal customers on the preorder list will receive their very own smart mirror.
Purpose will run campaigns to spread awareness on the latest lifestyle technology.
Regular content and software updates. After covering the initial release and publicity, Purpose will focus on rolling out wuality and consistent workout content to keep our users stimulated. We aim for integrations and connectivity in the SmartHome.
Sign up to the waiting list and have a chance to win a year-long content subscription.
Can I take this mirror home directly? Or where can I buy one?
I love the vision behind the mirror and the way it works is already advanced, can't wait for it to be on the market.
This is so cool, I always wanted one just like in the movies, I can't believe it is almost here.